Orders and Shipping

How much will it cost to ship my order?

Shipping varies by order amount and will be calculated when checking out.

Do you offer Free Shipping?

On qualifying orders, free shipping when offered will appear in the Cart. It may be necessary to enter a Promo Code to receive the shipping discount. Orders placed without entering the code must be cancelled and resubmitted using the correct code. See #Can orders be cancelled below.

Free shipping offers with a minimum purchase amount is for the order after coupons and before taxes. Items canceled or removed from the order will not count toward the purchase amount.

How are items shipped?

MasterGlam partners with Amazon to fulfill and deliver most orders. United States Postal Service or Department of Transportation registered provider are used for deliveries outside of the United States. Please note that although we do ship worldwide, some orders are subject to customs inspections or duties on delivery Responsibility for these costs are payable by the recipient. MasterGlam does not pay International Duties or Taxes.

Do you deliver to Post Office Boxes?

We cannot deliver to P.O. boxes.

How long will my order take to ship?

Orders are generally sent in under 48 hours (usually much less). Delivery average five working days depending on location. Order status is available by logging into your account.

What if I have issues placing my order?

Please try the following if you are unable to place an order:
  • Verify shipping and billing address, CCV code and try the payment process again to see if it goes through.
  • Place an order using a computer instead of a smartphone/tablet.
  • Contact your financial services company to confirm validity of card.
  • Provide a screenshot of the transaction (without the card number) in email at care@masterglam.com

Can orders be cancelled?

We are generally able to cancel orders within 6 hours. Once orders are transmitted to our fulfillment partner, they cannot be cancelled. Once an order has shipped, we cannot recall the item. It will be necessary to process a return using the customary methods.
NOTE:Orders sent to the address provided when placing the order that are refused for any reason are subject to a restocking fee of 100%.

How can I track my order?

Your account will show that your order is “completed” once your order is confirmed and verified. When the order is shipped, you will be emailed a tracking number that you can use to track your package on the website of our shipping provider. 

How much sales tax will I need to pay?

Orders on MasterGlam.com include sales tax when checking out for deliveries to the USA. For shipments to other countries, the customer is responsible for the payment of any eventual VAT or GST as required by their country’s regulations.

Will I have to pay additional fees for international orders?

Please be aware that orders made outside the United States may be subject to extra costs in its designated country. MasterGlam does not pay the cost of import taxes, duties, and fees.
Free shipping offers may not be available for international orders.

Which payment methods do you accept?

MasterGlam accepts major credit cards for payment for online purchases: For delivery to U.S. and Canada: Major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diner’s Club, Discover
For delivery to European Union countries: Visa, Mastercard / Eurocard

Will my credit card information be stored?

To safeguard your security, MasterGlam does not store credit card details. Online purchases will be authorized on your credit card when submitted. Transactions are not finalized until the card details are verified, the bank provides authorization and we have confirmed the availability of stock. You will be notified by email if for any reason we are unable to complete your order.